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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO San Mateo Region 36


Safety Information:

San Mateo AYSO Fire / Air Quality Policy

The table below shows when and how to modify outdoor physical activity based on the EPA NowCast Air Quality Index (AQI).

  • AQI values up to 100:  Allow a practice/game with no modifications.
  • AQI values between 101-149:  Modifications to the game should be made by the coach/referee to allow for extra breaks.  Please use your best judgment on conducting the practice/game.
  • AQI values 150 or above:  Games and practices will be cancelled.

This guidance can help protect the health of all children, including teenagers, who are more sensitive than adults to air pollution.

Check the air quality online at  (A mobile app is available for free on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.)

The AQI that San Mateo uses is the NowCast AQI analysis from the Redwood City detector operated by the San Francisco Bay Area Air Quality Management District (an EPA Partner).  The NowCast AQI is based on hourly readings of PM 2.5 particle and ozone pollution.  (Information on EPA's NowCast is found here.)

PurpleAir readings are not used in modifying AYSO-sponsored activities such as practices and games at this time.  The accuracy of the data from the community-based detector system sponsored by PurpleAir, while interesting, depends on un-calibrated detectors and appropriate placement by supporting community members.

Questions?  Please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

San Mateo AYSO Heat Policy

San Mateo AYSO follows US Soccer guidelines for modifying or cancelling activities based on the heat index. 

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Contact Us

San Mateo Region 36

P.O. Box 5316 
San Mateo, California 94402

Email Us: [email protected]
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