Referee Volunteer Registration
Thank you for volunteering to referee for your child's team or for those of you with no children in the program, the AYSO players.
To register as a new or returning volunteer, go to and select Sign Up Now or Login (in the upper right corner). Once you have logged in, go to your Account (drop down menu in the upper right corner of the web page).
Volunteer on the left menu and
Find Volunteer Roles in the upper right corner of the web page.

Next, to volunteer to be a referee for one of the age groups, click on
View Divisions for the
Volunteer - MYXX (Referee and Board Members) row. If you find yourself on a page with only Head Coach and Assistant Coach positions, you clicked on
AYSO SM Region 36: 20XX Fall Soccer and will want to click on the
< Back button to select the right program..

Pick one of the divisions (it will not matter which division you pick, if you want to officiate matches for both boys and girls divisions). Select "View Selected Opportunities".

On the next page, select the role of "Referee".

You will be asked sign up someone who has already registered (e.g., a returning referee) or sign up a new user who wants to volunteer to referee.

If you select "Sign up a registered user", you will be asked to select a registered user (e.g., yourself or a youth referee). If you select "Sign up a new user", you will be asked to provide details of the new user.

Select "Continue" after reviewing the role(s) you have added.

Complete and/or verify your registration information.

Let us know which division(s) you wish to referee for, make sure to accept all of the pledge and waivers, and then click on "Continue".

You should be taken back to the Volunteer page where your volunteer roles should now be listed and a status of your certifications (see below).

If you need to take your online courses and update your certifications, training details are available on our
Training page.